
Welcome to my website that’s aimed at Czech speaking visitors.

I’ve recently acquired some English speaking visitors thanks to Instagram, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, which is why I’ve decided to give you a short bio about me in English.


I was born a Gemini on 10th June 1952 in a little village Pribram near Brno. I’ve been living in Slapanice since 1976.

I loved music and singing ever since I was little and I’ve always wanted to be a singer. I studied singing techniques in my adolescence at Mr Bernard Kocar’s Brno based lectures. I also participated in a few bands in Brno and its outskirts. I always went back to singing in between caring for my 2 daughters until grown up.

Since 2002 until present, I have been a part of a musical duo ALGEO, where I sang alongside my long term friend Jaroslav Vala. I began creating Czech lyrics to known English hits, that I’ve always loved and that spoke to me not only with its melody, but its lyrics as well.

My wish to enable Czech listeners to better understand English lyrics began to fulfill in autumn 2005, when I became a member of OSA Prague, and with that began getting back my approved and authorised lyrics.

I changed my pseudonym ENA (which was created by shortening of my first name) to just my first name ALENA in 2010.

I decided to record my authorised Czech cover versions under my own direction. My family helped me out financially, and the first album was finished by the end of 2016 with the title ‚JÁ A TY‘. The chrisening of the CD was on 29th March 2017 in a Brno based club ‚Selepka‘. I recorded 19 songs for the first time in Brno, in a recording studio of Jirka Lukasek, and the album was released by Tonstudio Rajchman.

My second album ‚Ty & Já‘, that you can download online, has been released in August and in September 2012 through This included 12 Czech cover versions and one original song that comes through the cooperation with Jaroslav Musil. I recorded this album within my financial means from 2008 until August 2012 in a recording studio of Jarek Simek in Prague, with the cooperation of Ondra Gorcik (guitars and vocals). Both deserve my thanks for the professional cooperation.

I began work on my third album, called ‚Doteky srdce‘ , in April 2016, again in the recording studio of Jarek Šimek, with the cooperation of Ondra Gorčík. This included 14 songs that were finished in March 2017 thanks to the sponsorship of Livesport Ltd Prague, Czech Republic.

Purchase of CDs for anyone interested below:

Single songs or the whole album can be downloaded straight from my website after you fill out a form and pay the asking price. This option is currently being set up.

Český rozhlas Brno included in their playlist my cover version ‚Kridla‘ in 2008, otherwise known as Sailing by Rod Stewart. Another song included was Brian McFadden’s Real to me that I covered under the name ‚Touzim statna byt‘. This was played in December 2016.

Brno based radio ‚Krokodýl‘ included in their top songs my cover version ‚Krizovatky‘ in July 2016. The original is from a band Kansas, called Dust in the wind. This song stayed on their list for 11 weeks.

I hope I can manage to get more of my cover versions to you through the radio in the near future.

What you can find on my website is:
News, Biography, Albums, Samples, Lyrics.
Repertoir, Videos, Photos, Co-operation, Links, Contact

Thank you all that are interested in my music and to all the visitors for the interest you’ve shown.

I believe you will like my songs. Don’t hesitate to contact me…

Alena Bělohoubková